- Beginn: 8.30 pm
- Einlass: 7 pm
- Preise: PS 22 € + fee / BO 27 €
- Tickets: https://t1p.de/9kzcu
- Webseite: https://www.bosstime.de/
Doghouse - Gastronomie & Event oHG
A tribute to Bruce Springsteen
BOSSTIME is undisputedly Europe's most popular Bruce Springsteen tribute band. Anyone who has experienced the band live will share this opinion. The band was founded in 2003 and has set itself the task of creating a living, musical memorial to Bruce Springsteen, the "hardest workin' man in rock 'n roll business", and his legendary E - Street Band during his lifetime.
The six-piece formation around frontman Thomas Heinen is all about conveying Bruce's.. "spirit" and the enthusiasm for his music and to share this with concertgoers and other fans in live concerts lasting several hours. BOSSTIME celebrate all of the rock star's hits paired with plenty of enthusiasm and authenticity at the highest musical level.
BOSSTIME stands for rousing live power that nobody can resist. "