- Beginn: 7.30 pm
- Einlass: 7 pm
- Preise: PS 31 € + fee / BO 38 €
- Tickets: https://tidd.ly/3veWw5u
- Webseite: https://www.thomasgodoj.de/
3dog entertainment concerts GmbH
Endlessly fearless - Tour 2024
“I'm rising - I'm the last to laugh - I was pronounced dead by all the vultures,” sings Thomas Godoj in his song “Untot” from 2018. But the dead live longer, because he is actually one of the few people who have managed to establish themselves in the music business after winning a casting show. This may come as a surprise to many, as he made a conscious decision not to appear in the tabloid media after winning DSDS in 2008 and therefore flew under the radar of general public perception for most of the time.
Over the years, he has released 9 studio albums, plus an acoustic album and live releases. With the last three albums “13 Pfeile”, “Stoff” and “Album des Jahres” in particular, Thomas Godoj has arrived at himself and his sound. It is somewhere between alternative rock, metal and new rock and is characterized by bold guitar riffs and anthemic choruses with German lyrics that you won't forget in a hurry.
With his unmistakable, charismatic voice, Godoj does not shy away from emotions and melancholy, which are reflected in his expressive lyrics. Don't miss the energetic live shows that he and his great live band have stood for for more than a decade!”
Credit: TomzillaMusik
We are looking forward to Tri State Corner as support for Thomas Godoj!
As the name suggests, the 4 musicians of Tri State Corner come from 3 countries - Greece, Germany and Poland. These roots are not only reflected in the band's name, but also in their musical style and poetic lyrics. Their mixture of hard rock with melancholic, sensitive sounds is just as extraordinary. The way they incorporate the sounds of the traditional Greek bouzouki is unique. Tri State Corner have achieved something that seems almost impossible nowadays: they have created a unique and new rock sound - bouzouki rock.