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A Tribute to Deep Purple
„Machine Head“ Special – Live 2025

Deep Purple Tribute Band merges illusion and reality:
Demon's Eye bring Deep Purple's masterpiece “Machine Head” to the stage in “Made In Japan” sound!

British hard rock heroes Deep Purple released their most successful album “Machine Head” in the spring of 1972, containing classics such as “Highway Star”, “Space Truckin'”, “Lazy” and, of course, “Smoke On The Water”. However, these grandiose compositions only unfolded their full potential live, as the legendary live album “Made in Japan”, which was released in the same year, impressively proves.

Inspired by Deep Purple's extraordinary live performance, Demon's Eye will bring all the songs from “Machine Head” to the stage in the sound of “Made In Japan” on their 2025 tour. The No. 1 Deep Purple tribute band wants to give their audience the illusion of what it would have been like if Deep Purple had played all the songs from “Machine Head” on their 1972 Japan tour. Consequently, not only the well-known hits will be played, but also gems such as “Maybe I'm A Leo”, “Pictures Of Home”, “Never Before” and the ballad “When A Blind Man Cries”.

An evening full of Deep Purple classics

In the first part of the concert, the technically virtuoso quintet celebrates the complete “Machine Head” album. In the second half, Demon's Eye offer an exciting cross-section of different Deep Purple eras and present both great hits and one or two unexpected songs.

Experience the essence of Deep Purple live

“Demon's Eye impressively embody the essence of the legendary hard rock band Deep Purple. The tribute specialists are characterized in particular by their ability not only to reproduce Deep Purple's famous works note for note, but also to enrich them with their own improvisations - not least through furious guitar and organ duels. The five thoroughbred musicians play with the same energy and the same bombastic sound as the original at its best.

For all Purple fans who want to experience classics such as “Child In Time”, “Highway Star”, “Smoke On The Water”, “Black Night”, “Perfect Strangers”, “Burn” and also less frequently heard tracks in their original power, Demon's Eye's two-hour shows are an absolute must. Demon's Eye are an authentic tribute to one of the greatest bands in rock history and a tribute act that captures not only the sounds but also the soul of Deep Purple and transports it to the concert halls.

Praise from original members

One remarkable fact that distinguishes Demon's Eye is the appreciation of members of the original band after performing with them. Deep Purple icons Ian Paice (drums) and the late Jon Lord (keyboards) praised Demon's Eye for their outstanding interpretations. Ian Paice commented at a press conference: “A wonderful band. These guys are really fantastic. They know exactly what they're doing!” Jon Lord, who hired Demon's Eye for several performances of Deep Purple's “Concerto for Group and Orchestra”, went even further and said: “With Demon's Eye, I feel like I'm playing in a real band.”