Musiktheater Piano

We are ready to go again!

Dear ones,

we have great news and may play our first concert this Sunday - of course according to the currently valid regulations and unfortunately limited in time for now. But the following events will take place:

05.09.  THE MOORINGS | Tickets
11.09.  THE PEACOCKS | Tickets
14.09.  EARTH (Black Sabbath Tribute) | ABGESAGT 🙁
16.09.  LITTLE CAESAR (US) | Tickets

Alle Veranstaltungen finden unter “2G & PCR Test” Bedingungen statt. Das heißt, Zutritt haben alle Menschen die geimpft, genesen oder getestet (PCR-Test, nicht älter als 48 Std.) sind.
Upon entry, appropriate proof and a current photo ID must be kept ready. Without these valid documents we are not allowed to grant admission (more info).

The current Coronaschutzverordnung is initially valid until 17.09.2021. What comes after that, we do not know yet, but hope that we can remain open. If that is the case, then we will again hold the popular Vinyl-Stammtisch on Wednesdays.

We hope that we can welcome you in large numbers at the concerts that will now take place and we are looking forward to seeing you!

Your Piano-Team

1 thought on “Es kann wieder losgehen!”

  1. Es ist schön, Euch wiederzusehen 😘 Thomas, Jenny und Euer Team. Klasse, das ihr wieder öffnen könnt. Ich freu mich auf viele tolle Konzertabende. 😘
    Liebe Grűsse Inge

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